Convert XGL to STL for free
How to convert your XGL to STL online?
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XGL is an XML-based 3D graphics language used to describe 3D models and scenes.
XGL, as an XML-based format, has good readability and extensibility, but it may take up more storage space and load time than binary formats.
It is suitable for situations that require exchanging data between different 3D applications or importing and exporting scenes and models.
The STL file format is a file format used to describe three-dimensional objects. It consists of a series of triangular faces, each face composed of three vertices and a normal vector. It is commonly used in 3D printing and computer-aided design (CAD) software, where three-dimensional models can be exported as STL files for further processing and manufacturing. The STL file format is simple and easy to use, making it widely used in various fields.