Upload Model
Drag or click to upload

The supported model formats include: {{(idx > 0 ? ", " : "") + format}}

{{ messages.filter(d => !d.viewState).length }}
All Message
Unread({{ messages.filter(d => !d.viewState).length }})
Mark all read
No Message
{{ || message.sender.nickname}}
{{ messages.filter(d => !d.viewState).length }}
All Message
Unread({{ messages.filter(d => !d.viewState).length }})
Mark all read
No Message
{{ || message.sender.nickname}}
Object Settings
Left-click on the project name in the left bar or the model in canvas, the scene settings will be replaced by the object settings. To go back to the scene settings, simply click on an empty area of the canvas.
How to choose a specific part of an object?
left-click on the desired part of the object or alternatively, expand the model tree on the left bar and select the particular part from there.

How to edict distinct materials to separate parts of the same object?
Typically, a material sphere can cover the entire object. 2 steps to edict distinct materials to separate parts of the same object.
  1. Left-click on the desired part of the object;
  2. Left-click the + icon to the right of the material.

It is important to understand that color works differently in 3D than it does in 2D. Because an object's color is affected by the lighting. That's why in 3D it's not just color, it's diffuse color.
You can set the color using standard methods: select a color from the palette, insert a color code, or use the dropper.
The HEX and RGB color models are available.
There are different color modes - solid color or gradient. And you can also use textures (png/jpg/svg) instead of colors.

Roughness controls how matte or glossy the material will be.

This property determines how metallic the material will be. Roughness greatly affects metallicity。Metallicity is often combined with roughness to edit the material.

With this property, an object can be made transparent or partially transparent.

Adding emission to a material makes it appear as a source of visible light. You can change the color of the emission and its intensity.
The less light in the scene, the more visible the emission of light will be.
Emission is best used together with the Bloom effect.

Normal map
A normal map is used for simulating shadows on uneven surfaces, grooves, or dents. It creates a more detailed texture to the object without increasing its polygons.
This property only works in texture import mode. Therefore, you will need a Normal map.

Import own texture
You can import your own texture maps for each of the properties.
You can adjust the texture with hue, saturation, brightness, and contrast.
Under the transformation menu, you can set tiling, offset, rotation and resolution.
3DPEA User's Guide